New In New Haven

Blogging about not blogging.

June 8, 2010
1 Comment

Rest easy folks, I did not become lost, or jaded or anything else in New Haven. Nor did I move into a cabin in the woods to grow a beard and eek out a quiet life in seclusion, waxing intellectual on the faces of Coltrane with groundhogs and mice.

I’m still new and I’m still here.

I’ve just been doing so much here that I haven’t been able to keep up with it all and share it with you. The new life has been going really well, actually. Everyone is great. Everyone has a different opinion about where I should go, what I should do. The folks at work are great, and seem to actually think I know what I’m doing or that I know more than the average joe, which is quite flattering.

Of course, all the riff-raff involved with moving my identity from one state to another has hatched a few stomach ulcers in my belly, but whatever, that’s not a New Haven thing. That’s The Man, making sure he’s keeping his thumb pressed down on my frail little body.

Can you tell it’s been a long week?

Plus I – selfishly – revived my other blog, All My Friends, which now has a feed on the handsome right column of this site. It’s about the other place I live: music. So check that out once in a while if it’s your cup of tea.

And stay tuned here, I got quite a few new things in my garbled head to share.

Hopefully this is the last blog post I write about blogging, er not blogging, for a while.

    Who’s the new guy?

    Chris March, a twenty-something music geek packed up his things and moved to New Haven, Ct from suburban Pa to join the online team at the New Haven Register.